Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Still Small Voice...

Christmas 2010

These are my kids.

Look at them.

Aren't they ridiculously cute?!!?

It's okay. I'm a dad. I can brag about them. One day they'll be old enough to read this and I want them to know that I brag about them.

My daughter loves to dance. She will play music on her CD player (yes, we still have one), or demo music on her electronic keyboard, and put on little shows for us.

(sigh) Precious.

My son is what my wife calls a "chunk of love". I was laying on the couch with him the other evening. It was quiet. Mom and daughter had gone out. He had a pacifier in his mouth, but I could here him rehearsing in a soft voice.

He was saying, "Da-da-da-da". He kept repeating it.

So soft. So sweet.

It touched my heart.

It reminds me of 1 Kings 19. Here God touches a man's heart.

Elijah, a prophet of God, is shook. After absolutely decimating the prophets of a false god, reminding the King of Israel there is only one true God, and essentially spitting in the face of the Queen, Elijah is fleeing for his life! Why? Queen Jezebel ordered a hit.

Elijah fled until he found cover in a mountain, awaiting guidance from God.

While he lingered there, a great wind arose and tore into the mountain, shattering rocks, and leveling trees, but God was not in the wind.
An earthquake shook the foundations where Elijah stood, raining rocks and dirt upon him, but God was not in the earthquake.
A great fire sparked, (I like to imagine it was like Ryu's "Hadouken" from Street Fighter), but God was not in the fire.

Where was God???

The church loves big displays of God: powerful evangelistic outreaches, intimate worship experiences, engaging teaching, and ridiculously big fun...well, if you go to my church, anyway. God loves these too, but sometimes the most impacting moments with God are the often elusive, quickly passing moments of stillness.

and after the fire, a still small voice (verse 12). The NIV calls it "a gentle whisper".

Simple. Profound. It wasn't to get Elijah's attention; Elijah had to be paying attention to hear it.

So the real question isn't where was God, but where was Elijah?

God's voice is sweet to our ears; a "Da-da-da" that ignites our hearts, rejuvenates our resolve, and winds the crank of our grace. Be still before God, and the other big, explosive moments will gain even greater perspective and value.

I love my kids.

God loves his kids too. That's why he is speaking to us...