Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Get Dirty in Gym Class!

Gym class. Arguably the easiest "A" in high school comes from gym class. Why? Because in most schools there are only two requirements for an "A":

1.) Dress out.
2.) Participate.
(There are even some schools that omit number 1.)

That's all! You don't have to be good at sports or win any games, just show some effort. Do some push ups. Get your chin over a bar. Run a lap. Easy. (If you need some motivation, here's a freebie...)

However, there is a fear among some students that keeps them sidelined. There is a negative expectation that turns an easy "A" into an "F". A BEAST so dreadful that it's very name raises a groan from the belly of the gym class challenged...

That's right. I'm talking about a fear of...SWEAT!

and dirt,
and foul odors,
and disheveled hair,
and chafing!

For some, these words create panic and pandemonium. But it's part of the territory. To succeed in gym class, you have to get a little dirty.

Ministry works the same way. People come in with their hurts, offenses, problems, bad relationships, addictions, questions, doubts, fears...and they are messy! The temptation for leaders is to say, This person is beyond me!

Did you see what she said on Facebook?
Did you hear him talking about his weekend?
He wants to serve in the Children's Ministry???
What a mess...

When Jesus sent out his disciples to share the good news about his purpose, he told them that if they weren't listened to, then they should shake the dust off of their feet. When you are walking out the purposes of Christ, your feet will get dirty. The dust off of people's lives will accumulate on you. That's okay.

It's actually one of the perks.

Other people's dirt on you means you are willing to walk right into someone's situation and help them walk through it. It does not mean you have every answer, but it does mean that you earn the opportunity to point them to the answer - Jesus Christ.

That's ministry.

The Bible says that Jesus cleanses the church by the washing with water through the word. Let Jesus wash the situation by the Word and by His Spirit.

Without sin, there is no room for redemption. Without hurt, there is no avenue for reconciliation. Without fear, there is no space for bravery. Without YOU to stand with and guide people through the challenges of life, there are people aimlessly wandering, searching for someone to help them. So, the next time you recieve that call, or see that Tweet that causes you to cringe at the thought of how much "clean-up" time 140 characters creates, remember the best way to change a life is to be willing to get dirty.