Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"I live to frolf!" Andy Bernard, The Office.

I have a friend at work who introduced me to Disc Golf. It is played like golf, except that instead of a ball and clubs, you throw a disc...and instead of a hole, you aim for a raised basket. At first impression, all I did was mock my friend incessantly. Disc golf...who does that??? 

After playing with him, I figured out that he was on to something. The game has many of the enjoyable elements of golf: par scoring, drives, putts, camaraderie, and the great outdoors. It is also a fraction of the price. For the price of 18 holes at a local golf course, I can buy a season pass of disc golf, good for an entire year. Instead of expensive golf clubs, I bought two discs, one for driving and one for putting (the hardcore guys have a bag full of 20). Instead of searching for a small white ball in the woods, I search for a large flat, brightly colored disc. Oh, and the best part, when I am tempted to get angry at a bad throw, I just remind myself, Nick you are chucking a UFO-shaped piece of plastic into the woods, then I laugh myself back into mental health.

Let's recap...
Equipment costs: Marginal
Green fees: Minimal
Stress Level: Minuscule 

This is a Win-Win-Win.

Even better, I have discovered another way to get to know people. I often wrestle with evangelism and I am much more suited at preaching the gospel on a platform than one-on-one outside of a church building, but I am a firm believer in organic relationship.

Disc golf is just another way I can connect with people, in and out of the church. After all, Jesus calls us to be in the world

So, what is your means of connecting with people? 

Sunday afternoon football party?
Play dates?
Going out to dinner?
Helping someone move?
Encouraging card/email/gift?
Being available to listen more than talk?

There are a host of ways to reach people, and only two ingredients are necessary:

Genuine Care.

Who will you connect with today?

(It's official. I have just told the world I play disc