Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Love Wins" preface

"Love Wins"...unless you are Rob Bell. Ever since the release of his new book, Rob Bell has seen praise from the New York Times and backlash from the evangelical church. It seems there has been no end to the opinions expressed by those that have not even read the book. So, in an effort to find out if "Love Wins" for me, I have bought a copy and will be blogging my reflections through it as I read. My hope is that I will be affirmed, edified and enlightened in the truth of the Gospel message, but if not, then the $24 I spent on the brand new hard cover edition can just be my early birthday present for Rob...

I have read two of Bell's fledgling works Velvet Elvis and Sex God. Both books struck me as bold and catalytic. I gather from reading this preface that Bell's aim in Love Wins continues to be just that. He says:

I've written this book for all those, everywhere, who have heard some version of the Jesus story that caused their pulse rate to rise, their stomach to churn, and their heart to utter those resolute words, "I would never be a part of that."

So, he desires to connect with those outside the church; particularly those who feel alienated by the church in some fashion?


He also wants to open up discourse around noteworthy topics in Christianity; in this case: Heaven, Hell & Eternal Security:

I've written this book because the kind of faith Jesus invites us into doesn't skirt the big questions about topics like God and Jesus and salvation and judgment and heaven and hell, but it takes us deep into the heart of them.

Besides overusing the word "and", Bell is actually presenting a strong point: it is necessary to ask tough questions and demand truth in its purest form. I respect this. I also respect his assertion that nothing he poses in this book differs from what he has preached in the past. (Perhaps this is a gentle aside to all the aspiring "haters" who didn't have an issue with Bell before the book was published?)

Regardless of what people are saying, thinking, or even blogging, Bell is glad to get people talking about these subjects.


So far, I am excited to hear what will come next...